History of Eta Nu Sigma

Chapter I: The Beginning
On the 15th of March 1980 seven Sigma men – James INGRAM, Ronald LOCKHART, Phillip MIDDLETON, Melvin STONE, Richard WALKER, Francis WILSON, and John N.WILSON met at the home of Brother Stone to form a chapter of PHI BETA SIGMA Fraternity in the Colorado Springs area.
The seven brothers became the charter members of Eta Nu Sigma Chapter of PHI BETA SIGMA Fraternity Inc on the 20th June 1980. The following brothers were elected officers of the newly formed chapters:
PRESIDENT: J. Wilson CHAPLIN: P. Middleton
DIR OF BBB: P. Middleton DIR OF EDUCATION: R. Lockhart
The chapter continued to progress throughout the year making contact with other Pan Hellenic members in the area and getting involved in community activities. In accordance with the Social Action Programs the meetings were moved from the rotation of the Brothers’ homes to a local Black-owned Club for the benefit of both. This club was known as the Shadow Glen Lounge and meetings were held on the second Sunday of the month at 4:00 PM.
At this time Eta Nu Sigma was functioning as the only active Graduate chapter in the state of Colorado with the inactivation of Delta Delta Sigma Chapter in Denver. ENS continued in small strides maintaining the Brotherhood in the chapter with family picnics and firewood cutting expeditions.
Three other military brothers became associated with the chapter – Randy Harris, Edward Jones and Ernest Starks. Brother Bobby Jones was the first brother from the Denver area to join our chapter opening the door to the reactivation of the Denver chapter.
1980 proved to be the year of Survival for ENS seeing the departure of one of its first charter members to Europe. This occasion was marked with the presentation of a plaque to Brother Ingram and the first picture of the charter members at Brother Middleton’s home. Brothers Ernest Starks and Edward Jones also departed the area around this time frame for stateside assignments.
1981 arrived with the chapter struggling to survive with five financial members. Working toward consistency, ENS held its second annual picnic during the summer of 1981.
Brother Andre Williams from Western Illinois University became associated with the chapter that summer. Hoping for growth and additional exposure ENS held its first Smoker on the 12th of July at 4:30 PM at the Shadow Glen Lounge. As a result Carl Bowman, Jerry Greenwood and Clyde Jackson became the first Crescents initiated into the chapter. During this summer Brother Edward Jones returned to Colorado Springs area and he along with Brother Harris were instrumental in the Pledge program directed by Brother John Wilson that led to the initiation of Brothers Bowman and Greenwood into the chapter on the 2nd September 1981.
This event being a significant event in the Chapter’s history the event was celebrated with a Sunday Brunch at the Peterson Air Force Base Officer’s Open Mess. The day was concluded with pictures in the Garden of Gods with Pikes Peak in the Background. The success of this day was due to the efforts of Brothers Williams and Stone.

With a larger group, ENS launched its first social event – A Halloween Dance at the Holiday Inn North in Colorado Springs with music by the Hollow Point Band. Representatives from all the Pan Hellenic member organizations were in attendance and the brothers. It was a success thanks to the talent of our Director of Social Action and his wife (Brother F. Wilson).
The Brothers concluded the year with a Christmas party for the family and special guests at Brother Bowman’s home on the 20th December 1981, where flowers were presented to the wives of Brothers Walker and F. Wilson for their support of us and their husbands.
CHAPTER II: The Charter Members
The ENS Chapter was charted on 20th of June 1980 with seven brothers listed as Charter members. Five of the Brothers were from the civilian community and two were from the military at Fort Carson, CO. All of the brothers were from different areas and the meeting on the 15th of March 1980 was for most, the first time that they had met as a group. As withal true SIGMA men there was a common bond and an everlasting love that had been instilled in their hearts years ago during a time phase called “Initiation” and climaxed with an event commonly referred to as “THE CROSSING OF THE BURNING SANDS”.
Such True SIGMA Men were the foundation of the ENS Chapter of PHI BETA SIGMA Fraternity Inc.
JAMES INGRAM was born 23 May 1953 and he attended Fort Valley State University. Brother Ingram was initiated into Alpha Pi Chapter on the 8th of May 1974. Brother Ingram did not graduate from Fort Valley but was enlisted into the US Army. During his military tour he was assigned to Fort Carson, CO to the famous and historical 1st Squadron 10th Cavalry – the once all Black Unit. During his tour at Fort Carson, Brother Ingram became involved with the chartering of ENS. Brother Ingram became the first Secretary of the Chapter and became the first charter member to leave the chapter in the Fall of 1980 for an assignment in Europe.
PHILLIP G. MIDDLETON was born 13 October 1917 and he attended Claflin College. Brother Middleton was initiated in Omicron Chapter in the Fall of 1937. Brother Middleton graduated in June 1940 from Claflin College in Orangeburg, SC. He became a charter member of Eta Omicron Sigma Chapter in Orangeburg, SC. Brother Middleton arriving in Colorado Springs from California became a charter member of ENS and the first Director of Bigger and Better Business, and Chaplin.
MELVIN STONE was born 5 August 1942 and he attended Tennessee State University. Brother Stone was initiated into Zeta Alpha Chapter in the Fall of 1962. Brother Stone graduated in 1964 from Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN. Brother Stone became a charter member of ENS and the first Vice President of the Chapter. Melvin D. Stone Sr. Born Aug. 5, 1942. Died Jan. 22, 2016. U.S. Air Force, 45-year Colorado Springs resident. Survived by a son, Melvin Jr.; and two daughters, Michelle and Rochelle. Cremation, above-ground columbarium with military honors, 2:30 p.m. Feb. 19, Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery. All Veterans Burial and Cremation.
RICHARD WALKER was born 7 May 1924 and he attended Kentucky State University. Brother Walker was initiated in Xi Lambda chapter in the Fall of 1947. Brother Walker graduated in June 1952 from Kentucky State University. Brother Walker became a charter member of ENS and the first Treasure of the chapter.
FRANCIS V. WILSON (no relation to J. Wilson) was born 30 October 1930 and he attended West Virginia State College. Brother Wilson was initiated in Alpha Theta Chapter in 1952. Brother Wilson graduated in August 1953 from West Virginia State College. Brother Wilson became a Charter member of the ENS Chapter and the first Director of Social Action and the second Secretary of the Chapter.
JOHN N. WILSON was born 22 August 1952 and he attended Tuskegee Institute. Brother Wilson was initiated into Beta Kappa Chapter 3 December 1971. Brother Wilson graduated in May 1974 from Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute, AL. Brother Wilson became a charter member of ENS and the first President, Dean of Pledges and Historian for the chapter.