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Brothers of Eta Nu Sigma who have been featured in the news

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January 2021


Bro Cross was recognized by his employer Hewlett Packard Enterprise as the Black Employee Leadership Council Champion Contributor of the year. In response of this recognition The Western Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc also recognizes Bro Cross as a Sigma Trailblazer. 


Because of the civil unrest happening in 2020, Bro Cross led the charge in establishing the Black Employee Network (BEN) chapter for North America Account Services (NAAS). Most Employee Resource Groups are site-based, but the NAAS BEN is completely virtual.


Under Bro Cross's leadership, the NAAS BEN Chapter has been laser-focused on raising awareness, emphasizing accountability in regards to diversity and inclusivity, reshaping hiring processes and procedures, and promoting mentorship across the organization. 


This well-deserved Hewlett Packard Enterpise award is a true testament to Bro. Cross' talents, capabilities, and unwavering leadership.

Bro Knight 100 Blk Educators.JPG

October 1, 2020


Bro Knight was honored twice this week. First he was featured in My Black Colorado's issue of 100 Black Educators in Colorado. Brother Knight is the STEM Coordinator at Fountain Ft. Carson high school where he has been teaching and coaching for 23 years.


Over Brother Knights 28 years in Education he has taught middle school math and science for five years. At the high school level he has taught mathematics, engineering, computer science and has also spent a several years as the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, AVID Coordinator and Dean of Students. 


During the last five years Bro Knight has been responsible for creating, implementing and teaching several of the 15 new STEM related classes that he started at Fountain Ft. Carson District 8. 


Secondly Bro Knight was honored to recieve the Western Region Collegiate Scholarship as he continues on his educational quest. 


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc, national headquarter's avenue of weekly announcement of news, exciting information or events that are shared with brothers world wide.

August 21, 2020 edition

June 19, 2020 edition


June 5, 2020 edition

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